Practice for Putters
Santa Barbara Daisy, Mexican Daisy
New Zealand Flax
Brown Sedge
Yellow Bells, Yellow Elder
Rainbow Fescue
Red Cross Kangaroo Paws
Santa Barbara Daisy, Mexican Daisy

Common name:Santa Barbara Daisy, Mexican Daisy
Botanical name:Erigeron karvinskianus

This low mounding perennial, with fine leaves and white to pinkish, daisy-like flowers, is an excellent asset to rock gardens.

New Zealand Flax

Common name:New Zealand Flax
Botanical name:Phormium tenax

New Zealand Flax is a large, bold plant with stiffly vertical, sword-like, green leaves that arise from its base. It should be grown under full sun for best color. Varieties will offer different growth habits and leaf color.

Brown Sedge

Common name:Brown Sedge
Botanical name:Carex testacea

Brown Sedge is an evergreen perennial that reaches 2' tall bearing very narrow, coppery brown leaves splitting to hair-like threads at their tips, and continuing to grow to 4'-8' in length. This plant should be grown in sun with little or no summer watering.

Yellow Bells, Yellow Elder

Common name:Yellow Bells, Yellow Elder
Botanical name:Tecoma stans

This semi-deciduous shrub or small tree will grow 12' high x 6' wide and produces beautiful bell-like flowers that bloom in spring and fall.

Rainbow Fescue

Common name:Rainbow Fescue
Botanical name:Festuca amethystima 'Superba'

The Rainbow Fescue is a hardy fescue with fine, blue green foliage that grows 8" tall. It has spring flowers that are 12" above the foliage. This fescue is a very showy, neat grass for sunny spots during spring and fall. The Rainbow Fescue is drought tolerant.

Red Cross Kangaroo Paws

Common name:Red Cross Kangaroo Paws
Botanical name:Anigozanthos 'Red Cross'

Red Cross Kangaroo Paws has showy, tall (4'-5'), multi- branched stems with rich red color on both flowers and stems. The flowers have a green interior. It is fast growing.

Designer: Katie Cool

Practice for Putters

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Maintain a two to four inch layer of mulch on the soil surface to reduce weeds, infiltrate rain water, and reduce compaction.

Integrated Pest Management:

Attract, or buy beneficial insects such as ladybugs and lacewings to control pest outbreaks in your garden.